Lactose intolerance, also called lactose intolerance, is the inability to digest lactose found in milk products
Lactose intolerance occurs when the body's immune system incorrectly attacks lactose as an invader. The body produces antibodies to battle this foreign substance, but these antibodies attack lactase, which breaks down lactose into simple sugars. In severe cases, milk proteins in milk products can damage the intestinal walls, causing the intestines to become severely blocked. It can be quite painful and may take months before it is over.
Lactose intolerance can vary greatly between individuals and can affect children, adults, babies, and even the elderly. If you have experienced bouts of diarrhea and abdominal pain after consuming milk products, then you may have a case of lactose intolerance. If you have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance, you may be given medications and instructions to avoid certain foods that contain lactose.
However, you don't necessarily have to be diagnosed with lactose intolerance to experience the unpleasant side effects of taking medications. Many dairy products are fortified with L-Lysine, which neutralizes lactose. Other dairy products have L-Glutamine, and this is also beneficial in dealing with lactose intolerance. In fact, many people who are taking medication for the treatment of other conditions can safely eat yogurt as a lactose-free alternative to their medications.
If you do suffer from lactose intolerance, your doctor will probably tell you to avoid milk products for a period of time until symptoms subside. They may also prescribe a lactase supplement to enable you to digest milk products once they are reintroduced to your diet.
There are many dairy foods that can be consumed on a daily basis without producing symptoms of lactose intolerance. Cheese, yogurt, milk, ice cream, etc. are some of them. Some people are sensitive to certain ingredients in milk, such as rennet, which causes a burning sensation when the tongue touches the back of the mouth.
For some, a case of lactose intolerance can be quite severe and require a visit to the doctor to determine if the condition is indeed lactose intolerance or a more serious problem. If the lactose in your bloodstream is too much for absorption, it may lead to ulceration of the lower intestine. This can occur in a number of different types of food. Other symptoms of a serious condition may include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, nausea, cramping in the abdomen, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Some people also may experience bloating and weight loss.

Even though your body is capable of producing its own lactase, many dairy products can be difficult to digest, so it may be best to limit your intake of milk.
To prevent this from occurring, consult your physician if you are prone to this type of intolerance
For many, a cure for lactose intolerance may be as simple as avoiding the foods and drinks that you are allergic to. If you cannot avoid them, then it is important to eat more healthy foods that contain high amounts of calcium and magnesium in addition to consuming supplements containing lactate and L-glutamine.
Most dairy foods are high in calcium, which is essential for proper bone development and maintenance. By consuming more calcium and magnesium, your body will be able to build stronger bones which will decrease the chances of developing osteoporosis.
The amount of calcium in dairy foods is very important. It is not enough that you consume one serving of dairy each day for your entire body to use it to make lactase; you need the full recommended amount. The recommended amount of calcium includes one tablespoon of milk or about a cup of cheese or one ounce of cheese spread with one-half teaspoon of baking soda.
Calcium is necessary for a healthy immune system because it helps the body produce antibodies. that help the body fight off germs and infections, thus reducing the risk of infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
Calcium may also help your skin remain healthy by preventing the production of oils in the skin. You may find it helpful to consume dairy foods on a regular basis, as long as it is consumed in moderation, without the presence of milk products.