Itching can occur from a variety of factors including allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, insect bites or dehydration. While most itchiness is just irritating or painful, excessive itching can also damage the protective layer of your skin and expose your skin to infection and germs. To relieve itching, you need to take several steps:
Wash your face with warm water and soap to remove any dirt that may be trapped under your itchy skin. You should also wash away any food remnants that have become stuck in your hair follicles. Washing your face regularly will help keep your skin clean and keep it healthy. Excessive washing can also irritate the skin.
Taking a warm shower will help loosen up your skin.
It is also important to clean out all of your hair and make sure that your scalp is clean. This will help clear away excess oil from your scalp and reduce the amount of itchiness that your skin experiences. If you find that your itchy skin is soothed by too much friction, then you may want to take a warm bath. A warm bath may help relieve the discomfort of itchiness and will help your skin stay soft and supple.
If you cannot avoid scratching your itchy skin, you can always use medicated products that contain salicylic acid. These products can help ease the irritation of your skin. Be sure to use these products only on irritated skin. You should avoid using any medications on your sensitive skin. In the case of severe itching, you may want to visit your doctor and have a medical examination to determine the exact cause of your itching.
Using moisturizers for your skin is also important when you are suffering from itching. Moisturizing your skin will keep your skin protected and reduce the effects of any irritants that may be on your body. The dry, flaky skin that results from itching can also make it more difficult to get rid of. and even more irritating.
A cold compress that is made out of baking soda and ice works well. These two ingredients will help to dry the affected area and relieve some of the itching that you feel. Try using one at night before going to sleep and another in the morning before waking up.
Applying cream is another way to treat itchy skin.
Many creams are available for topical use. Be sure to read the labels of the cream carefully to be sure that you are using one that is right for your situation. Some creams are specifically designed for sensitive skin. Before applying cream, you may want to apply petroleum jelly or baby oil.
Finally, remember that there are times when itching is out of your control. For example, if you experience an allergy, you may be unable to stop itching. However, it is important to keep in mind that using creams or ointments to treat itchy skin may not be effective if your allergies are due to an underlying condition such as eczema or ringworm. You should see your doctor if this occurs.
At times, you may be able to reduce the effects of itchiness with your diet. Some people find relief from using vitamin E-rich foods. If you are a person who suffers from allergies, you may want to talk with your doctor about adding a few vitamin E capsules to your diet in order to reduce the itching you may be feeling.
Another way to deal with itching is by using hot compresses. This is often referred to as heat therapy. It is a good idea to start heating your hands and then put them on the itchy area for around twenty minutes at a time. Do not overdo it though.
Hot compresses are also used as a treatment for people who suffer from asthma and other lung related conditions. Although they are not usually used for skin care, they can help reduce symptoms of inflammation and help to treat the condition. If you are using antihistamines or cough suppressants for your allergies, you may find that applying a hot compress can help to treat your itching.