Gallbladder Removal is an easy and common procedure. You can live a healthy life now without a gallbladder. The medical term for gallbladder removal surgery is cholelithiasis.
The medical term for this procedure is gallbladder removal surgery. This procedure is an outpatient surgery performed under the general anesthesia. The recovery time is usually short and takes less than two days to recover from. However, it will take you longer to return to your normal activities.
The doctor will numb the area of the gallbladder and remove the gallbladder with an instrument called a cholecystoscopy. If there are large stones, then an ultrasound may be needed to locate them. The gallbladder is then removed with a small incision made on the gallbladder itself. The gallbladder will be drained of the gallbladder and then sent to a lab for tests to determine if any gallstones are still present.
Most doctors recommend getting a mammogram (https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/mammograms.htm) right after gallbladder removal to make sure the cancer in the gallbladder has gone away. Many people will choose to have an endoscopy to check for gallbladder cancer. A biopsy can also be done to make sure the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body or to the gallbladder itself.
If the gallbladder removal has been successful, then a follow up treatment is recommended. This includes the use of a bilge pump in order to remove any leftover bile. Other medications that may be prescribed include antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medication. You may also be given special diets or dietary supplements that can help you get back to a healthy weight.
Once your gallbladder is removed, you may need to avoid drinking alcohol for a few months. To prevent infection, you may also want to stay away from foods rich in fat. A change in your diet should improve your symptoms and you may be able to get rid of your gallbladder pain by changing to a low fat diet.
You can still experience the same symptoms after your gallbladder is removed as you would have if the gallbladder was still present. These include fever, nausea, vomiting, and blood in the stool. You may also experience pain while straining to move your bowels. If you cannot get to the bathroom easily, you may want to stay in bed until the pain is gone. You will also need to keep your food down until the pain is gone.
In some cases where the gallbladder is removed, a doctor will use a stent to repair the gallbladder so you do not have to worry about it again. However, this does not guarantee that your gallbladder will not return again. As long as you follow your doctor’s advice on a regular basis you will not have to worry about it.
Even though the risk of a gallbladder returning is great, if it does come back it will usually be smaller and not as severe. Sometimes a gallbladder can even be removed and the person does not need to take medicine for many years. Most people do not have to worry about having a gallbladder at all, but they should keep it in mind because it can be very embarrassing.
If you have problems with bowel movements or pain while having sex, you may want to talk to your doctor about this. A condition called pyelonephritis can cause the pain. Pyelonephritis is associated with nephritis, about which you can read more on Beyoung Indonesia. You may want to ask about the different types of gallbladder removal and discuss with your doctor what you should be eating, drinking and how to avoid the pain to get rid of your pain.
You may be prescribed pain relievers that help you relax and soothe your nerves. You can buy over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Aspirin that can give you relief. However, these medications are not effective every time.
A doctor may recommend you have surgery or a procedure where the gallbladder is removed but not always remove it completely. Your doctor will talk to you about the best course of action to take.